JIRA Ticket system

Issue types

  • It can vary from product to product but the basics - Epics, Story, Task, Bug, and Subtask will remain the same.

JIRA Ticket System


  • High-level Stories.

  • Module Name or Feature Name is given to an Epic. (best practice)

Adding Due dates is mandatory.


Story format (As a <persona>, I want <some goal>, So that <some reason>) - Mandatory Format

Each Story will have following items. (mandatory otherwise Sprint won’t be kicked off.)

Documentation(use cases, UI UX design; it will be 1st approved then kicked off)
A Parent issue (an Epic) attached to it.
Story point estimate
Design attached if Required.
Due Date
Fix Version
Labels to identify client (if more than one) + one of these label is mandatory (Product-Development OR Client-Requirement)
Done Criteria/Acceptance Critaria
1 Story Point=1Day=8Hrs – 0.5 SP= 4Hrs – 0.25 SP = 2Hrs
Story Shouldn’t be more than 4 SPs, if more than 4 SPs then it should be divided into two parts.
Each Developer will be assigned Maximum 8 Story Points in a Sprint (if 100% dedicated)


Bugs are reported by the QA.

Each bug will have a Parent issue(an Epic) assigned to it. (if they are independent Bugs)
linked with its relevant story/task
If the bug is related to some story, create a subtask under the main ticket, don’t forget to mention all the labels, fix version, due date, Quarter, etc. After adding a subtask(as a bug) comment on the main story, attach the subtask link, and Reopen the ticket.
Due date
Fix Version
Labels (New-issue, Regression-bug, known-issue)
Use Case
Reporoducing steps
Screenshot or Video (using tools http://screencast.com or https://www.loom.com/
https://www.welldonecode.com/perfectpixel/ use this google extension for comparing websites (testing on layer basis)
- (Mobile App - in future )
- (Mobile App - in future )


Urgent issues can be directly deployed to any environment.
Each bug will have a Parent issue(an Epic) assigned to it, linked with its relevant story/task, Due date, Fix Version, Acceptance Criteria are mandatory.


If issues are related to some story, they are supposed to be created as subtasks, under a story. (all fields are supposed to be filled)
Can be created by clicking child issue, Jira doesn’t allow a sprint to be closed in the mentioned case.

Documentation - UI UX Design

Adding Epic(parent issue) is Mandatory in any case.